We are independent manufacturers' representatives supplying the gallery, photo, digital photographic, and reprographic trade. We offer free consultations with no obligation, to help you with any product related questions. Because of our relationships, we can negotiate excellent prices with our suppliers. We work hard for you. Did you know that when there are trade shows thousands of miles away, we can usually get the same show specials and rebates for you? We alway try to keep abreast of market conditions, to be able to offer our customers the best deals. We are not about the "Quick Buck". We are looking for customer recommendations and long term relationships. It's all about customer service, and that is why our customers keep coming back. References are cheerfully supplied. In some cases we have exclusive territory sales rights, and sometimes we are competing directly with the factory for your business. In the later case we are protected, and in most cases our prices are much better than if you bought directly. In no instance do we add a fee to make a profit, costing you more. (An exception being used equipment from individuals.) Our business model is a very lean operation which eliminates the overhead of a "brick and motar" establishment. Our goal is to ultimately provide equipment and supplies at very competitive pricing. Go ahead, check us out and "pick our brain"